Lip Neutralization Services

Achieve beautifully balanced lips and regain your confidence with the exceptional lip neutralization service at Colour Clinic. Book your appointment now!

Dark Lip Neutralization

Dark Lip Neutralization at Colour Clinic

Uneven or discoloured lips can be a source of frustration and self-consciousness. Our skilled team understands the unique needs of individuals seeking lip neutralization and is dedicated to helping you achieve a harmonious, uniform look. Our specialized treatment is specifically designed for women of colour who desire to lighten the appearance of their naturally darker lips.

Our lip neutralization procedure involves the art of tattooing neutralizing colours into the lips. Through meticulous precision and attention to detail, we are able to create a balanced tone that matches your desired aesthetic outcome. Whether you are looking to enhance your inherent beauty or rectify a cosmetic issue, our expert team is committed to delivering unmatched results.

We pride ourselves on our extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of working with diverse skin tones. Book your appointment now and let us help you enhance your natural beauty and embrace a more harmonious aesthetic.

Frequently Asked Questions

Lip neutralization is a temporary solution, and to sustain your desired results, it may be necessary to undergo periodic treatments.

The number of treatments needed for lip neutrality can vary from person to person. Typically, individuals will begin to observe a colour difference after their second treatment. It's important to note that the darker the natural lip colour, the more treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired outcome. After the lips have been tattooed with a neutralizing colour, it is crucial to allow ample time for the lips to heal before assessing the final effect. In most instances, this healing process typically takes around 4 weeks.

When it comes to lip neutralization, it's important to note that the available colour options are limited. Our clinic offers a lip neutralizer that can lighten your lips to a shade of light pink or pinky coral. However, we do not provide darker colours for women with pigmented skin, as achieving optimal results for this skin tone may not be feasible.

Lip Neutralization Treatment

Before & After Photos

At Colour Clinic, we believe that seeing the visual results of our work can inspire confidence and showcase the remarkable difference our specialized treatments can make.

Our collection of "before and after photos" features real clients who have undergone our lip neutralization procedure. These images serve as a testament to our expertise, attention to detail, and dedication to achieving exceptional results. We understand that each individual's journey is unique, and we take pride in tailoring our approach to meet their specific needs.

By browsing through our before and after photos, you'll witness the remarkable transformations that can be achieved through our specialized technique. If you're ready to embark on your own lip neutralization journey, contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards achieving the balanced and harmonious lips you've always desired.